Monday, February 9, 2009

Into the Secondary

Well, I racked my IPA into the secondary this evening. This is my first attempt at this style of beer and it's my own recipe. The beer wasn't fully fermented, but I already had a specific gravity reading of about 1.044 for an expected abv of about 5.2%, and I wanted to get the beer off the sediment on the bottom of the fermenter.

Here it is right after the transfer:

It's a little darker than I thought it would be, but it should clear up after a week or so in secondary and another couple of weeks conditioning in the bottle.

This is also my first attempt at dry hopping. That's what the "pond scum" looking stuff floating on top is- 1.5 ounces of Sarachi Ace hops.

And finally, the beer has been moved into the cellar.

OK, it's really the bathtub in our second bathroom but it works and the beer doesn't seem to mind.

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